UFO hívők számára igazi ínyencségnek számít az emberszerű csontváz, amire egy ukrajnai ásatás alkalmával találtak.

A bronzkori lelőhely mindenesetre az orosz Stonehenge-ként van emlegetve. Ezen a helyen találtak rá a rendkívül jó állapotban lévő megnyújtott koponyájú női csontvázra. A koponya alak az, ami igazán érdekes. Erre a szakemberek egyszerű választ adnak. Abban az időben a Sarmati törzs tagjai éltek azon a területen. A gyerekeket még kisbaba korukban a szülők egy speciális kötéllel tekerték körbe, hogy fejlődésük során a koponya ilyen szokatlan formát vegyen fel.


Különféle népek között létezett testtorzító eljárás, mert ezek az emberek abban hittek, hogy így társadalmuknak meg fognak felelni.

Ilyenek voltak a kínai hölgyek is, akiknek lábukat gyermekkorban törték és bekötötték, hogy mire nagyok lesznek a férfiaknak annál jobban fognak tetszeni. Az eljárás a női szépséget és kecsességet szimbolizálta.

Léteznek minap is nyakukat nyújtó afrikai törzsek, akik a nők nyakát nyújtják szintén a szépség reményének jegyében.

Az Ukrajnában feltárt lelőhely Krisztus előtt 4000 évvel kipusztult falu Arkaim területén épült, amely még megannyi értékes lelőhelyeket tartogat az ásatásokat végző tudósok számára.

A helyet 1987 óta a bronzkori régészek paradicsomaként tartják számon.

Érdekesség a dologban az, hogy az ott található egymásra rakott gránittömbök épülő 40 méter magas falak eredete rendkívül rejtélyes és sok kérdés várat válaszra.

Mintha a hely a Stonehenge és a piramisok rejtélyes helyeivel vetekedne.

Pic shows: The humanoid figure with the egg-shaped skull was discovered in a site known as Russia's Stonehenge. The discovery of a spectacular humanoid shape skeleton with an alien skull has sparked fresh revelations that mankind was once visited by aliens. When pictures of the humanoid figure with the egg-shaped skull from a site known as Russia's Stonehenge were first published recently, UFO watchers rushed to insist it was proof that aliens had once visited Earth. Archaeologist however insist that the skeleton which belonged to a female from a 4,000 BC settlement had a skull that was elongated because the tribe which had lived in Arkaim near the Monday city of Chelyabinsk in central Russia used to bind the head to make it grow out of shape. However UFO watchers claim that if this was the case, it was simply a way of mimicking the elongated skulls of the humans alien visitors and this proved once again of alien visitation. What is not in doubt is that the skull was significantly elongated and according to the experts belonged to a woman who was in the tribe that was part of what is now modern day Ukraine. Researcher Maria Makurova has confirmed to the Russian news agency TASS: "We have found a well preserved skeleton. I would not exclude the possibility that the skeleton belongs to a woman from the Sarmati trible that lived in the territories of what is now modern day Ukraine, Kazakhstan and southern Russia. "Her skull was elongated because the tribe did so by tying up the heads of their children with rope. It was clearly a tradition in the tribe." She declined to comment on speculation it was attributed to alien visitors saying that currently they were still working on theories as to why the tribe had tradition but had nothing fixed. It is just another of the mysteries of the spectacular site known as Russia's Stonehenge which is believed was built around 4,000 BC along the same lines as the British monument from where it was possible to make studies of the stars. Indeed the Russian version if anything is more advanced because while at Stonehenge it's long been known that the monument was built with astronomical observation in mind - and where it allowed for observations of 10 astronomical phenomena using 22 elements, Arkaim allows for observations of 18 phenomena using 30 elements. This essentially means that certain events in the sky could be observed and tracked by using the site in particular ways, and from different positions, and that Arkaim offered more observable events than Stonehenge. According to Russian archaeologist K.K. Bystrushkin Stonehenge offers an observational accuracy of 10-arc minutes to a degree, whereas Arkaim offers accuracy of 1-arc minute. This precision is unheard of in the time frame allowed, and was only surpassed by that documented in the Almagest of ancient Greece some 2000 years later. This is being used as further proof that Stonehenge and Akraim were linked to beings from the stars. Scientists who exposed the photographs of the latest spectacular discovery of the alien -looking humanoid say they believe that the body was actually comparatively recent compared to the age of the site, and was probably from the second or third century after Christ. The Akraim archaeological site was discovered in 1987 and it appeared to be an important site to study Bronze Age, and since then has yielded spectacular discoveries. As well as being a primitive astronomical observatory it was also a village that was fortified by two large stone circular walls.  The settlement covers an area of some 220,000sq-ft and consists of two circles of dwellings separated by a street, with a central community square in the center. (ends)
Pic shows: The humanoid figure with the egg-shaped skull was discovered in a site known as Russia’s Stonehenge.
The discovery of a spectacular humanoid shape skeleton with an alien skull has sparked fresh revelations that mankind was once visited by aliens.
When pictures of the humanoid figure with the egg-shaped skull from a site known as Russia’s Stonehenge were first published recently, UFO watchers rushed to insist it was proof that aliens had once visited Earth.
Archaeologist however insist that the skeleton which belonged to a female from a 4,000 BC settlement had a skull that was elongated because the tribe which had lived in Arkaim near the Monday city of Chelyabinsk in central Russia used to bind the head to make it grow out of shape.
However UFO watchers claim that if this was the case, it was simply a way of mimicking the elongated skulls of the humans alien visitors and this proved once again of alien visitation.
What is not in doubt is that the skull was significantly elongated and according to the experts belonged to a woman who was in the tribe that was part of what is now modern day Ukraine.
Researcher Maria Makurova has confirmed to the Russian news agency TASS: „We have found a well preserved skeleton. I would not exclude the possibility that the skeleton belongs to a woman from the Sarmati trible that lived in the territories of what is now modern day Ukraine, Kazakhstan and southern Russia.
„Her skull was elongated because the tribe did so by tying up the heads of their children with rope. It was clearly a tradition in the tribe.”
She declined to comment on speculation it was attributed to alien visitors saying that currently they were still working on theories as to why the tribe had tradition but had nothing fixed.
It is just another of the mysteries of the spectacular site known as Russia’s Stonehenge which is believed was built around 4,000 BC along the same lines as the British monument from where it was possible to make studies of the stars.
Indeed the Russian version if anything is more advanced because while at Stonehenge it’s long been known that the monument was built with astronomical observation in mind – and where it allowed for observations of 10 astronomical phenomena using 22 elements, Arkaim allows for observations of 18 phenomena using 30 elements.
This essentially means that certain events in the sky could be observed and tracked by using the site in particular ways, and from different positions, and that Arkaim offered more observable events than Stonehenge.
According to Russian archaeologist K.K. Bystrushkin Stonehenge offers an observational accuracy of 10-arc minutes to a degree, whereas Arkaim offers accuracy of 1-arc minute. This precision is unheard of in the time frame allowed, and was only surpassed by that documented in the Almagest of ancient Greece some 2000 years later.
This is being used as further proof that Stonehenge and Akraim were linked to beings from the stars.
Scientists who exposed the photographs of the latest spectacular discovery of the alien -looking humanoid say they believe that the body was actually comparatively recent compared to the age of the site, and was probably from the second or third century after Christ.
The Akraim archaeological site was discovered in 1987 and it appeared to be an important site to study Bronze Age, and since then has yielded spectacular discoveries.
As well as being a primitive astronomical observatory it was also a village that was fortified by two large stone circular walls. The settlement covers an area of some 220,000sq-ft and consists of two circles of dwellings separated by a street, with a central community square in the center.
Pic shows: The humanoid figure with the egg-shaped skull was discovered in a site known as Russia's Stonehenge. The discovery of a spectacular humanoid shape skeleton with an alien skull has sparked fresh revelations that mankind was once visited by aliens. When pictures of the humanoid figure with the egg-shaped skull from a site known as Russia's Stonehenge were first published recently, UFO watchers rushed to insist it was proof that aliens had once visited Earth. Archaeologist however insist that the skeleton which belonged to a female from a 4,000 BC settlement had a skull that was elongated because the tribe which had lived in Arkaim near the Monday city of Chelyabinsk in central Russia used to bind the head to make it grow out of shape. However UFO watchers claim that if this was the case, it was simply a way of mimicking the elongated skulls of the humans alien visitors and this proved once again of alien visitation. What is not in doubt is that the skull was significantly elongated and according to the experts belonged to a woman who was in the tribe that was part of what is now modern day Ukraine. Researcher Maria Makurova has confirmed to the Russian news agency TASS: "We have found a well preserved skeleton. I would not exclude the possibility that the skeleton belongs to a woman from the Sarmati trible that lived in the territories of what is now modern day Ukraine, Kazakhstan and southern Russia. "Her skull was elongated because the tribe did so by tying up the heads of their children with rope. It was clearly a tradition in the tribe." She declined to comment on speculation it was attributed to alien visitors saying that currently they were still working on theories as to why the tribe had tradition but had nothing fixed. It is just another of the mysteries of the spectacular site known as Russia's Stonehenge which is believed was built around 4,000 BC along the same lines as the British monument from where it was possible to make studies of the stars. Indeed the Russian version if anything is more advanced because while at Stonehenge it's long been known that the monument was built with astronomical observation in mind - and where it allowed for observations of 10 astronomical phenomena using 22 elements, Arkaim allows for observations of 18 phenomena using 30 elements. This essentially means that certain events in the sky could be observed and tracked by using the site in particular ways, and from different positions, and that Arkaim offered more observable events than Stonehenge. According to Russian archaeologist K.K. Bystrushkin Stonehenge offers an observational accuracy of 10-arc minutes to a degree, whereas Arkaim offers accuracy of 1-arc minute. This precision is unheard of in the time frame allowed, and was only surpassed by that documented in the Almagest of ancient Greece some 2000 years later. This is being used as further proof that Stonehenge and Akraim were linked to beings from the stars. Scientists who exposed the photographs of the latest spectacular discovery of the alien -looking humanoid say they believe that the body was actually comparatively recent compared to the age of the site, and was probably from the second or third century after Christ. The Akraim archaeological site was discovered in 1987 and it appeared to be an important site to study Bronze Age, and since then has yielded spectacular discoveries. As well as being a primitive astronomical observatory it was also a village that was fortified by two large stone circular walls.  The settlement covers an area of some 220,000sq-ft and consists of two circles of dwellings separated by a street, with a central community square in the center. (ends)
Pic shows: The humanoid figure with the egg-shaped skull was discovered in a site known as Russia’s Stonehenge.
The discovery of a spectacular humanoid shape skeleton with an alien skull has sparked fresh revelations that mankind was once visited by aliens.
When pictures of the humanoid figure with the egg-shaped skull from a site known as Russia’s Stonehenge were first published recently, UFO watchers rushed to insist it was proof that aliens had once visited Earth.
Archaeologist however insist that the skeleton which belonged to a female from a 4,000 BC settlement had a skull that was elongated because the tribe which had lived in Arkaim near the Monday city of Chelyabinsk in central Russia used to bind the head to make it grow out of shape.
However UFO watchers claim that if this was the case, it was simply a way of mimicking the elongated skulls of the humans alien visitors and this proved once again of alien visitation.
What is not in doubt is that the skull was significantly elongated and according to the experts belonged to a woman who was in the tribe that was part of what is now modern day Ukraine.
Researcher Maria Makurova has confirmed to the Russian news agency TASS: „We have found a well preserved skeleton. I would not exclude the possibility that the skeleton belongs to a woman from the Sarmati trible that lived in the territories of what is now modern day Ukraine, Kazakhstan and southern Russia.
„Her skull was elongated because the tribe did so by tying up the heads of their children with rope. It was clearly a tradition in the tribe.”
She declined to comment on speculation it was attributed to alien visitors saying that currently they were still working on theories as to why the tribe had tradition but had nothing fixed.
It is just another of the mysteries of the spectacular site known as Russia’s Stonehenge which is believed was built around 4,000 BC along the same lines as the British monument from where it was possible to make studies of the stars.
Indeed the Russian version if anything is more advanced because while at Stonehenge it’s long been known that the monument was built with astronomical observation in mind – and where it allowed for observations of 10 astronomical phenomena using 22 elements, Arkaim allows for observations of 18 phenomena using 30 elements.
This essentially means that certain events in the sky could be observed and tracked by using the site in particular ways, and from different positions, and that Arkaim offered more observable events than Stonehenge.
According to Russian archaeologist K.K. Bystrushkin Stonehenge offers an observational accuracy of 10-arc minutes to a degree, whereas Arkaim offers accuracy of 1-arc minute. This precision is unheard of in the time frame allowed, and was only surpassed by that documented in the Almagest of ancient Greece some 2000 years later.
This is being used as further proof that Stonehenge and Akraim were linked to beings from the stars.
Scientists who exposed the photographs of the latest spectacular discovery of the alien -looking humanoid say they believe that the body was actually comparatively recent compared to the age of the site, and was probably from the second or third century after Christ.
The Akraim archaeological site was discovered in 1987 and it appeared to be an important site to study Bronze Age, and since then has yielded spectacular discoveries.
As well as being a primitive astronomical observatory it was also a village that was fortified by two large stone circular walls. The settlement covers an area of some 220,000sq-ft and consists of two circles of dwellings separated by a street, with a central community square in the center.

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