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‘Fourth time lucky’: Rupert Murdoch’s marriage to Jerry Hall blessed at star-studded ceremony


‘Fourth time lucky’: Rupert Murdoch’s marriage to Jerry Hall blessed at star-studded ceremony

March 6, 2016 – 12:53AM

Rupert Murdoch

Elation: The newlyweds share a moment after their wedding ceremony. Photo: Getty Images/John Phillips
Murdoch marries Hall in low-key ceremony ahead of weekend celebrations
Jerry Hall and Rupert Murdoch wedding packing them in the aisle
Marriage to be blessed in church steeped in media history
When Barry Humphries emerged from Rupert Murdoch and Jerry Hall’s low-key marriage ceremony in London on Saturday he predicted it would be fourth time lucky for the media mogul.

The Australian comedian, best known for his alter egos Dame Edna Everage and Sir Les Patterson, has also been married four times and said the „spontaneous and informal” ceremony at Fleet Street’s historic ‘Journalists’ Church’ was „fantastic.”

Heading into the church he joked that the „Melbourne Mafia” had arrived and afterwards agreed that it would be fourth time lucky for the media baron.

„Everyone was extremely happy, the mood was great; [it was] the best wedding I’ve been to beside my own,” he said.

Murdoch was flanked by his sons and wore a navy suit with tan shoes while Jerry Hall wore a chiffon dress in baby blue and entered the church smiling.

Humphries dismissed suggestions the age gap between 84-year-old Murdoch and his 59-year-old bride would be an issue.

„He’s only slightly older than me,” Humphries said.

Between them, the pair have ten children from previous marriages, all of whom attended and served as the couple’s bridal party, also wearing blue. Outside the church, Mr Murdoch’s son Lachlan and his wife, Sarah, told Fairfax Media the service was „really beautiful”.

The pair were married in a civil service on Friday and had their marriage blessed at the service at the historic St Bride’s Church on Fleet Street took place at 11.00am local time (10pm AEST). At least half a dozen guests were late, turning up fifteen minutes or more later than the bride.

After the ceremony, Mr Murdoch and Ms Hall did not stop for photos or make a comment and were swiftly chauffeured away from the church.

Numerous celebrities, including composer Andrew Llyod Webber, musician Bob Geldof and actor Michael Cain attended.

Other guests included British Government Minister Michael Gove, but other prominent Tories including Prime Minister David Cameron and London Mayor Boris Johnson were conspicuously absent.

Rebekah Brooks, CEO of News UK and former News of the World editor until the time of the hacking scandal, also attended.

Many curious members of the public joined the media pack, hoping to catch a glimpse and a photograph of the celebrities in attendance.

And in a wedding gift to the Twitterverse, Mr Murdoch declared he would not tweet for ten whole days, or perhaps even „ever”, such was his happiness after his latest nuptials .
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/celebrity/fourth-time-lucky-rupert-murdochs-marriage-to-jerry-hall-blessed-at-starstudded-ceremony-20160305-gnbi22.html#ixzz422T5cDBZ
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