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The new ports becoming the next Calais as Jungle is destroyed


MAPPED: The new ports becoming the next Calais as Jungle is destroyed

Map of affected ports and migrants
Ports in Belgium, Holland and northern France are being transformed into the new Calais Jungle camp
Thousands of migrants have become displaced after the infamous Jungle camp was destroyed this week.

About 1,000 have been offered beds in heated containers in Calais and others taken to asylum centres across France, but many have fled to other ports to make their bids for Britain.

French ports such as Dunkirk are now booming with migrants while others have set up camp in Belgium.

Groups have even overwhelmed a church in Zeebrugge which sits on the main thoroughfare to the Belgian port.

The Belgians have been taking a harder line on migrants in their ports than the French. But the situation is becoming increasingly hard to control as more and more arrive in Zeebrugge and Rotterdam in Holland – where ferries go to Hull instead of Dover.
Thousands of migrants have become displaced after the infamous Jungle camp was destroyed this week

The EU needs to get a grip on this problem

Mike Hookem, Ukip MEP

One worker in Zeebrugge, who asked not to be named, said: „We are currently catching 30-40 migrants a day in the port, but we have no idea how many make it through.

„This is a big problem for us as the migrants are causing millions of Euros in damage to the port infrastructure and trailers each year.”

Ukip MEP and defence spokesperson Mike Hookem said: „I have been saying since my first fact-finding trip to the northern European coast in August last year the problem would escalate as security becomes tighter and tighter in Calais.

„Now my prediction has come true.

„The EU needs to get a grip on this problem, drop its dogged adherence to the Schengen agreement and put an end to the vile activities of the people traffickers.

About 1,000 migrants have been offered beds in heated containers in Calais
„It is only through stopping the problem at source that we can provide a measure of safety for truckers using these ports.”

A group of 24 Iranian migrants have even been hiding in the Stella Maris church only a few hundred metres from the ferry terminal in Zeebrugge thanks to Reverend Fernand Marechal who is „famous for harbouring migrants”, according to residents.

One resident, said: „This is a bad thing for residents, for tourists and the economy of Zeebrugge.”

Migrants in the Belgian port have admitted they are trying to get to the UK via boat.

They already have paid traffickers thousands of pounds to get to France or Belgium.

The Belgians said earlier this year they were installing 300 extra police officers on its border with France to stop the migrant crisis spilling into the country.

By Mr Hookem, who has spent the week travelling between France and Belgium, told Express.co.uk he not seen any police manning the borders at a number of crossings.

He said: „The Belgian authorities need to learn the lessons of how the migrant crisis escalated in Calais and nip the activities of these people in the bud.

There has been mass riots at the camp following its demolition
„The last thing we need is another ‘Jungle’, with truckers avoiding yet another port, as this has serious consequences for UK security, the British economy and driver safety.”

Earlier this week the UK agreed to give £17million more to the French to help enhance security on the road network around Calais.

But, as migrants hear of the increased difficulties in staying in Calais, including finger printing by the authorities, they are staying away from the French port all together.

Forrás: http://www.express.co.uk 

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