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Two armed robbers on run after fleeing Kirkcaldy bank raid on bicycles


Two armed robbers remain on the run following a raid on a Kirkcaldy bank.

Two armed robbers on run after fleeing Kirkcaldy bank raid on bicycles

Police response teams rushed to the TSB branch in the Templehall area of the town shortly after 10.40am on Friday following a distress call from the premises.

The duo, carrying a handgun and a crowbar, are said to have made off with a substantial sum of money, making their escape on bicycles.

A large police presence remains in place in the community, while an urgent appeal for public assistance has been made.

Chief Inspector Stevie Hamilton said: “Fortunately no-one was injured in what was a frightening incident for the staff and customers at the bank. Officers are currently speaking to witnesses, carrying out searches of the area and making enquiries at neighbouring premises.

“The two men approached on bikes from Alford Avenue and left again in the same direction, so I’m keen to speak to anyone who may have seen them before or after the robbery so we can establish their movements.”

Both men are described as wearing dark clothing including black caps, and carried green carrier bags.

  • For more on this story, see Saturday’s Courier

Eyewitnesses told The Courier several police cars suddenly arrived at the quiet shopping complex. Several people — believed to be customers and staff — were led from the bank and taken to a nearby community centre.

Local shopkeeper Jean Stark told The Courier that while police are a common sight in the area, she was alarmed when armed officers arrived outside her premises.

„When you see a police car you tend to think nothing of it but when you see them armed you know that something different is going on,” she said.

„At first it was two cars but they didn’t have their sirens on or anything. I saw two elderly people come out afterwards. One was put straight into a police car and taken away. She looked pretty shaken up. The man looked all right though.”

Today’s raid follows another bank robbery in the town in November, when the Bank of Scotland at the Mitchelston Industrial Estate was targeted.

Forrás: http://www.thecourier.co.uk


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