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REVEALED: The popular holiday destinations set to be overwhelmed by migrant crisis


REVEALED: The popular holiday destinations set to be overwhelmed by migrant crisis

POPULAR British tourist hotspots so far unscathed by the migrant crisis could be overwhelmed by thousands of marching immigrants as Europe struggles to close down border routes.

British tourist hotspots so far unscathed by the migrant crisis could be overwhelmed by thousands
The escalating Macedonia-Greece border stand-off has led to smugglers plotting new routes to bypass an iron curtain between Balkan states.Express.co.uk has already revealed how traffickers are using new routes through Albania and Romania.
But further route maps have been discovered showing how to avoid the Macedonia-Greece chaos and head straight to British holiday hotspots on the Croatian coast.It has led to Croatia putting its army on alert as the country rushes to shut down the border.

Police units have already moved across the coast of Croatia, popular with the more than 400,000 holidaying Britons a year.

Maps have been discovered showing how to avoid the Macedonia-Greece chaos

The government is even seeking to amend the country’s current laws to allow the army to replace border guards in case the situation spirals out of control.Already 658,068 refugees and migrants have passed through Croatia, since the refugee crisis began in September last year, with hundreds of thousands more likely thanks to the Macedonian border closure.

The new migrant route would open up from Montenegro through the sunny Dalmatian coast – a getaway hotspot during the summer.

Others fear migrants could also inundate the port on the exotic beach resort island of Kor?ula – creating a similar situation that befell Italy’s Lampedusa.Kor?ula is popular with tourists for its medieval walled cities and relaxing vineyards, while Dalmatia remains a essential European tourist destination.

The country’s own tourism minister admitted they have „no plan” to deal with the growing threat of migrants flooding their resorts.

Tourism makes up a large part of what drives the Croatia’s economy and boosts small businesses, especially in the spring and summer months ahead.

Already 658,068 refugees and migrants have passed through Croatia

A refugee route through the southern corridor would be disastrous for our tourism

Croatian Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Karamarko

Frontex’s deputy executive director, Berndt Korner, said: „Whether the new route goes up to Croatia remains to be seen, but it is definitely one of the possibilities that are under consideration.”The UN’s refugee agency has already prepared contingency plans for when new routes are forged.

Popular resorts could be swamped with migrants

But Gianluca Rocco, from the International Organisation for Migration, warned many of the migrants making their way along these new routes would be „aggressive hordes of young, strong men”.The tourism chief Anton Kliman tried to blame the newfound panic over the possible new route on „German-sponsored fear”.

Critics have hit out at the government’s refusal to acknowledge the possible threat that migrants could plunge the tourist resort into chaos.

Experts point to a warning from the deputy Prime Minister over the possible opening of the southern refugee route through Dalmatia as a major part of the last election campaign platform.

The country’s own tourism minister admitted they have „no plan” to deal with the growing threat

Last year, the country’s deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Karamarko raised fears over „a refugee route through the southern corridor, which would be disastrous for our tourism”.But, this year – after winning the election – the Croatian Prime Minister Tihomir Oreškovi? has sought to downplay these fears.

He said: „If we need to use the army to facilitate the procedure and continue our humane approach, then we will do it, but only as a help.”

The new migrant route would open up from Montenegro through the sunny Dalmatian coast

Croatian Interior Minister Vlaho Orepi? also said the country „was prepared”.He said: „The point is to keep a firm border regime, and for all other emergencies our forces are ready to react.”

The British Foreign Office has so far warned of „disruption or delays” due to growing migrant chaos.

The latest breaking point has emerged after more than 15,000 migrants were been left stranded on the Greek side of the border with Macedonia.

This week, Macedonia announced it had closed its doors „completely” to migrants.

Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia and Macedonia have all since tried to close their borders to new migrants.

Forrás: http://www.express.co.uk

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