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Ponta on M1: Educational institutions to educate, not politicise!

(MTI/EPA/Robert Ghement)

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George Soros organizations are harmful and against the nation, former Romanian prime minister, Victor Ponta told in an exclusive interview for Hungarian state channel M1. He added, there has been established a parallel state-like system what’s main goal is to make decisions on international levels while sovereign countries are only able to execute orders.

You shared a statement on Facebook last year and I quote George Soros’ foundations and people receiving so called donations are in fact acting in a rather negative and anti-national manner in Romania and Eastern-Europe. Then you added that you are basing your statement on documents, which were available to you when you were the party leader and Prime Minister. How big of an influence does George Soros have and what are his goals in this region, Eastern-Europe and Romania?

In Romania and all those new democracies, that came to be after 1989, political power, which people vote for, goes to those, who win elections, then they get into power, and if you lose, you join the opposition. But besides the elected political powers there is a parallel state-like system, which in Romania consists mainly of civil organizations. In other countries we have seen, that these parallel powers, such as certain universities, different sort of structures, which normally shouldn’t be involved with politics, yet they have a sort of influence or power, which revolvs around long term-investments, into people so to say. Their fighting their political battles long-term by investing in people. We started seeing this in Romania, that politicians, not only use normal democratic political combat, but certain representatives of civil society start popping up. If you look close enough, you can see that they were taught at the same places and even if it’s not the same person, it’s the same organization „aiding” them in the process. I think, that just like in America or Western Europe, where democracy is considered exemplary, politics needs to be transparent and left to be done politicians. To simplify the equation: If you have political views, you should enter an election, where you can either win or lose, but trying to influence political decisions without publicly politicizing, that in fact could be very dangerous to our society.

Some people stated that the Soros network directly or indirectly played a role, in your political overthrow. Did you see any signs that could confirm this presumption?

Of course, there were signs. It’s always the NGO’s and those affiliated, that received scholarships, took part in courses and training, that don’t go against right or left, but attack politicians who have a sovereign – not necessarily nationalistic, but sovereign point of view. You see, this is the struggle we face today, in the 21st century, in Europe as well as in America. It isn’t about the classical political struggle between right and left. It’s a fight between those, who think, that the important political decisions need to be made a national basis first and only after that on a European or international level. While the other side, who are backed by the Soros-sort organizations think, that this isn’t good, political decisions need to be decided upon international levels and the countries or nations simply need to execute these.

A while back, you judged Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, but now in certain issues, it looks like, you support his decisions. What are your opinions regarding, the new legislation regarding foreign universities in Hungary?

To be honest, I’m not clear about the details, because all countries have different laws and legal systems. For example, according to some people, if we were to accept this sort of bill, then the University of Sapientia would also be adversely affected. While Prime Minister, I supported that university, like all places of higher education, let them be foreign or state-run, Romanian, English or Hungarian. As I understand, falsely or scarcely, all places of education (even if they are fantastic and successful) need to stride towards the principle that everyone keeps, to not politicize. They need to educate people, not breed policy sympathizers. I think that the struggle we’re seeing in Budapest around this university is about this as well. It’s about Hungary being able to make decisions for itself in Hungary, Romania in Romania, and France in France and so on. Otherwise were just executing orders from somewhere else something which I will never be able to agree with. As you noted, there were moments, when I judged Viktor Orbán, there were also moments, when we worked together in important matters that affected our nations, but we always took the same direction, (which I believe is the correct one!) which was that in order to have good decisions and laws, they need to be decided upon in the given country not anywhere else. And this is the way, which could in fact mean development for all European Politicians and it seems to me, that more and more politicians are taking to this direction.

You announced, that you would like to propose a bill similar to the one in Hungary about foreign universities. What are your aims with this measure?

Well, in Romania, universities have rather different nature. I don’t want universities complying with regulations and constitutional duties to suffer any sort of disadvantage. That is why I stated clearly, when those at Sapientia thought we want to close the university doors, that this is not the case! But we need to have a legislative system, which states, that universities serve the purpose of education not political goals. If civil organizations feel the need to practice politics, then they need to transform into a political party, and enter an election, rather than trying to influence from outside. NGO’s financial sources need to be more transparent. If political parties need to make their funding public, then why don’t civil organizations do the same? In the end, what people need to understand, is that, everywhere in Eastern Europe, the decision be it right or wrong, need to be made on a national scale first. We can’t be forced to act in accordance with decisions made by others.


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