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Majority of Brits think both UK AND EU have completely lost control of unchecked migration


Majority of Brits think both UK AND EU have completely lost control of unchecked migration

MOST British voters believe the crisis of mass migration into Europe and the UK has spiralled out of control and can now not be controlled either by David Cameron or Brussels.

Nearly two thirds of Brexit backers insist immigration cannot be controlled from inside the EU

“Do they seek to persuade voters on those arguments where even their own supporters are currently less likely to be convinced?“Or, do they seek to focus debate on the issue on which they are seemingly the stronger?

The EU’s craziest decisions

Fri, July 24, 2015

THE European Union (EU) bureaucrats have come up with some bonkers directives. Here are the top eleven unusual rules proposed by Brussels that seem too barmy to be true.

Jean Claude Juncker

The EU legislators have gone bananas over rules and directives – about bananas. European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and co have overseen some wacky laws. Here are the crazie

“More likely, however, is the second, which could mean the two sides spend the campaign talking past each other and leave voters having to work out for themselves the merits of the arguments on the key issues.”

Migrant crisis explained in numbers

Wed, January 27, 2016

A monthly record of 218,394 migrants and refugees reached Europe by sea in October, the UN says, almost as many as the total number of arrivals in 2014. We take a look at the shocking statistics facing the humanitarian crisis.

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A poll aimed at garnering differing opinions of pro-Europe voters and anti-Europe voters showed they were agreed on one thing – every political leader was failing on unchecked mass immigration.Almost two thirds of those backing Britain’s exit from the European Union say immigration cannot be controlled from inside the EU.While more than half of those who backed Britain to remain in Europe admit nothing can be done about immigration regardless of the upcoming referendum result.Research carried out for the NatCen think-tank also found less than 10 per cent of leave supporters believe Brexit would damage the economy.

David Cameron is trying to renegotiate Britain’s deal with the EU

While a staggering 92 per cent of the same voters want an Australian-style points system introduced to stop EU nationals coming freely into the UK.That would be impossible under current EU regulations.

The battle is on between the yes and no camps ahead of the EU referendum

The poll suggested the two sides would end up battling between fears over immigration and the economy.Polling guru John Curtice warned voters could have to “work out for themselves the merits of the arguments”.
He said: “These findings pose a challenge for both sides of the referendum campaign.

The research was carried out for the NatCen think-tank

“Do they seek to persuade voters on those arguments where even their own supporters are currently less likely to be convinced?“Or, do they seek to focus debate on the issue on which they are seemingly the stronger?

Forrás: http://www.express.co.uk

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