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Is this the ‘Hand of God’? Incredible image of sky in Edinburgh will leave you baffled


Is this the ‘Hand of God’? Incredible image of sky in Edinburgh will leave you baffled

DOES this incredible image show a fire-breathing dragon appearing over the skies in Edinburgh – or perhaps the ‘Hand of God’?

The incredible photograph taken by Tom Foster depicting a mythical creature
Tom Foster, 25, was taking pictures of the Scottish capital when he says the ‘heaven’s opened’ and a giant rain-cloud appeared against the sunset.The junior doctor realised he had caught what looked like a dragon or even the ‘Hand of God’ reaching down to grasp Edinburgh Castle in its flaming palm.Since posting the picture on his Facebook page, the amateur photographer has been inundated with suggestions of what the magnificent shape could be.

The image was taken as the heavens opened and the shapes formed

Mr Foster, who moved from Derbyshire to Edinburgh eight years ago, said: „When I first saw the cloud I knew it looked spectacular but it wasn’t until after I took the picture and looked at it on my camera that I started to see the unusual shape it made.”What I see most often is the ‘hand of God’ like quite a lot of other people do. I’m not incredibly religious so not sure about the God bit but can certainly see the hand.”But then I can also see the dragon’s head and neck. It looks like it is breathing fire.

The budding photographer thought it looked like the ‘Hand of God’ coming down

„I love the picture because everyone sees something different in it. I’ve had hundreds of comments and messages from people suggesting different things.”Some I can see myself, such as the phoenix but I’m not sure about the pigeon!”I just really like how it is open to interpretation and has provoked debate.”

Since posting the picture the photographer has been inundated with suggestions of what it could be

Mr Foster took the picture from Calton Hill, in the hope of capturing a nice shot over Edinburgh’s skyline at sunset.However as he was walking up to get the picture, black cloud began to gather and Mr Foster almost turned back.He said: „I could tell it was about to rain badly and I thought about just going home rather than risk getting wet, but thankfully I didn’t and took a chance.
„I got a couple of shots of the sky looking normal, before this really big rain-cloud appeared. It looked absolutely fabulous against the sunset and I knew I had to get a picture of it.”Even the picture itself doesn’t do justice to how impressive the sky really was at that moment. It looked even more incredible in person.”Moments after I took the picture, the heaven’s opened and I got completely drenched. However this picture was well worth getting soaked for.”I’m really happy with the picture. As a doctor I don’t get a lot of time to take pictures so it’s great to capture one like this.”I love photographing Edinburgh too – I just fell in love with the city when I came eight years ago.”

Forrás: http://www.express.co.uk

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