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Immigration department takes inspiration from expensive life coach Andrew Hughes


Immigration department takes inspiration from expensive life coach Andrew Hughes

Motivational speaker Andrew Hughes is a former accountant and lawyer.

Motivational speaker Andrew Hughes is a former accountant and a rainmaker coach lawyer. Photo: Supplied

Become totally authentic. Live with a full heart. Let go of your fears. Create a perfect future. Overcome the „internal blockages” keeping you from your true potential.

These are just a few of the many maxims of Andrew Hughes, a motivational speaker the Department of Immigration and Border Protection has hired to inspire its staff.

It will pay Mr Hughes almost $15,000 of taxpayer’s cash to speak at a leadership conference for senior staff, according to new government contract documents.

It’s not the first time Mr Hughes has done government work. Over the past few years he has also been paid $23,000 to appear at a Comsuper conference, and $25,000 to appear at two Department of Infrastructure and Transport events.
Based in the NSW town of Maitland, Mr Hughes says he began his quest for spiritual wisdom in his 20s, with a backpacking pilgrimage to India and regular meditation. He worked as an accountant and lawyer before becoming a speaker, author, life coach and „change maker”.

He says while he performed „exceptionally well” in the high-flying corporate world it left him feeling empty, so he turned to the field of „human potential and transformational leadership”.

He developed a „4A Fulfilment Formula” – Authenticity, Alchemy, Action on Inspiration and Alignment – that „helps you overcome internal blockages keeping you from success”.

He also promotes the „7 Steps to Freedom”, designed to help you „eliminate the hidden subconscious fears that may be stopping you from being great”.

Mr Hughes has a 22-page online book called Striving to Thriving, with the tagline „How to get more excitement, joy, love and money in your life, just by being you”.

„I’m excited to share with you what has worked for me and so many of my clients who are living authentic, fulfilling lives – working in their passion, evolving into their true potential, finding peace, love and also making thousands of dollars by being themselves,” he writes.

„I am going to share with you how to use your powerful imagination and inner world to drastically change what you impress upon the great field of unity consciousness so that what you want in life begins to flow to you, almost as if by magic.”
Forrás: http://www.smh.com.au/

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