Ritka pillanatot örökítettek meg két fogyatékkal élő lány életében.

Ruth Evelyne és Jessica Cox is kar nélkül születtek, de a találkozásuk és egymás megölelése óriási erőt adott számukra.


A kis Ruth Evelyne-nél az anyukája már a terhesség alatt megtudta, hogy a baba karok nélkül jön majd világra. Az anyuka ezért az interneten kezdett el kutatni a betegségével kapcsolatban, amikor rátalált Jessica Cox-ra.

An inspiring photo of RE Pranke, a 3-year-old girl who was born without arms, and Jessica Cox, the first-ever armless pilot, is proving to the world that you don't need your upper limbs to go in for a hug.  "It was amazing," mom Karlyn Pranke of St. Paul, Minnesota, told ABC News. "I'm just grateful that we had the opportunity to show everyone that it doesn't matter if you have arms or not, that you can do the same things as everyone else -- you just may have to do it a little differently.  "She [RE] loves hugs." Pranke said she knew she wanted her daughter to meet Cox, a motivational speaker born without arms, since finding out during her 20th week of pregnancy that "RE" (short for Ruth Evelyn), would be born without arms as well.  "I started Googling stuff and coming across Jessica," Pranke said. "Ever since, it's been very inspirational to me that she has come as far as she has to overcome her disability -- and my daughter has always said, especially lately, 'I want arms, I want arms.'"  "I wanted her to see she doesn't have to have arms," she added. "I wanted her to see all the things Jessica can do."  After a few exchanges on Facebook, Pranke took a six-hour drive with RE to attend the July 24 premiere of "Right Footed," a documentary about Cox's journey as a public speaker, a pilot, a third-degree black belt, and an advocate for people with disabilities.
An inspiring photo of RE Pranke, a 3-year-old girl who was born without arms, and Jessica Cox, the first-ever armless pilot, is proving to the world that you don’t need your upper limbs to go in for a hug. „It was amazing,” mom Karlyn Pranke of St. Paul, Minnesota, told ABC News. „I’m just grateful that we had the opportunity to show everyone that it doesn’t matter if you have arms or not, that you can do the same things as everyone else — you just may have to do it a little differently. „She [RE] loves hugs.” Pranke said she knew she wanted her daughter to meet Cox, a motivational speaker born without arms, since finding out during her 20th week of pregnancy that „RE” (short for Ruth Evelyn), would be born without arms as well. „I started Googling stuff and coming across Jessica,” Pranke said. „Ever since, it’s been very inspirational to me that she has come as far as she has to overcome her disability — and my daughter has always said, especially lately, ‘I want arms, I want arms.'” „I wanted her to see she doesn’t have to have arms,” she added. „I wanted her to see all the things Jessica can do.” After a few exchanges on Facebook, Pranke took a six-hour drive with RE to attend the July 24 premiere of „Right Footed,” a documentary about Cox’s journey as a public speaker, a pilot, a third-degree black belt, and an advocate for people with disabilities.

A hölgy szintén karok nélkül született, de ennek ellenére óriási sikereket ért el, ő lett a világ első karok nélküli pilótája. Ezután az anyuka elhatározta, hogy megkeresi Jessicát, hogy erőt adjon vele Ruth Evelyne-nek. A megható találkozásról fotók is készültek, amelyek azóta bejárták a világot.

A kislány édesanyja nagyon sok erőt kapott a pilótanő sikereiből és mikor Ruth Evelyne azt kezdte mondani, hogy karokat akar, eldöntötte, hogy elviszi kislányát Jessicához.

6 órás utat tettek meg, hogy eljussanak Jessica Right Footed dokumentumfilmjének premierjére. Ott végre találkozhattak a példaképnek tartott Jessicával. A pilótanő pedig megölelte a kislányt a megindító pillanatot az anyuka megörökítette. Ekkor készült a híres kép, amelynek az üzenete, hogy a szeretet kifejezése karok nélkül is lehetséges.


A kislány pedig mikor először meglátta Jessicát, boldogan azt mondta:

“Ő pont olyan, mint én!”. Ruth-nak Jessica még a különleges repülőjét is megmutatta. A kislánynak ez a személyes élmény akkora erőt adott, hogy rövid idő múlva megtanult tárgyakat cipelni és iPadet használni.


Ebben a videóban Jessica megmutatja hogyan tud zongorázni a lábaival:

Forrás: lemon