Home 18+ Hungarians evacuated from Wuhan released from coronavirus hospital quarantine (18+)

Hungarians evacuated from Wuhan released from coronavirus hospital quarantine (18+)

Koronavírus-információk. Hirmagazin.eu
Koronavírus-információk. Hirmagazin.eu

Hungarians evacuated from Wuhan, the epicentre of the coronavirus outbreak, earlier this month were discharged from a Budapest hospital quarantine on Sunday, the head of the National Institute of Hematology and Infectology at South Pest Central Hospital told MTI.

The six men and one woman were symptom-free for the entire duration of their quarantine and all of their tests came back negative for the coronavirus, Janos Szlavik said.
He noted that the reason for their 14-day quarantine was that this is the longest-known incubation period for the virus.

More than 64,000 people have been infected with the COVID-19 virus worldwide so far.


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