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Girl fights back against man who ‘sexually assaulted her in street’ – now SHE faces jail


Girl fights back against man who ‘sexually assaulted her in street’ – now SHE faces jail

A TEENAGE girl could be jailed after she allegedly fought back against a man who tried pulling down her trousers.

Girl could be jailed after allegedly attacking man with spray
The 17-year-old was allegedly molested by a man who spoke English before she hit him in the face with pepper spray.But, because he use of the substance is illegal in Denmark, the teenager could face a fine or even three months in jail if charges are pressed under the country’s weapons act.Local police spokesman Knud Kirsten said: „It is illegal to be in possession of and/or using a pepper spray, so she will probably [be] charged.”
The girl reported her alleged attacker on Thursday and according to Danish media the man is yet to be detained.He allegedly pushed the girl to the ground on the street and tried pulling down her trousers.Police officer Svend Erik Lassen said: „He grabbed her arm and told her in English to come with him, but she broke lose from the grip.“He then pushed her over, and while he was laying on top of her, he tried taking off her trousers.
Police are now investigating the rape claim and assault
Danish police say the teenager could face prison or a fine
Lassen added the girl “found her pepper spray” and “sprayed his face”. He added: ”After this the man ran off.”Mr Lassen said that they are not investigating the newly arrived migrants in the area.He also refused to comment on whether or not they will consider dropping any possible charges against the girl as the alleged action was self-defence.Mr Lassen added: “It’s up to our legal department.”Police chief Kirsten said this is a case of „illegal weapons possession, so it’s the same as walking around with a switchblade”.

Forrás: http://www.express.co.uk

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