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Frissítés: A Bond-lány nem halt meg, a kórház közlése szerint hétfőn még életben volt az intenzív osztályon!

A BBC közlése szerint, a Bond-lány, Tanya Roberts nem halt meg, intenzív osztályon van, de súlyos állapotban..

A hírt ügynöke jelentette be, és azt is, hogy az élettársa tévesen értesítette a sajtót, hogy Tanya Roberts elhunyt.

Íme a BBC eredeti cikke a témában!

Olvasóinktól, bár nem a mi hibánk, mert ez a cikk nemrég jelent meg, elnézést kérünk!



Tanya Roberts: Bond girl and Charlie’s Angel still alive, agent says

US actress Tanya Roberts, best known for her roles in the James Bond film A View to a Kill and the final season of Charlie’s Angels, is still alive, her representative has told the BBC.

She was mistakenly announced as having died on Sunday.

But Mike Pingel said she remained in a serious condition in hospital in Los Angeles.

Roberts, 65, appeared with Sir Roger Moore in his final Bond film and had a recurring role in That ’70s Show.

She collapsed while walking her dogs on 24 December and was admitted to Los Angeles’ Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre.

Mr Pingel told media outlets he mistakenly announced Roberts’ death based on information he received from her partner. But a call from the hospital confirmed that she was still alive on Monday morning.

She remains in the ICU in a serious condition, he said.

„It does not look good,” he told the PA news agency.

The earlier announcement of Roberts’ death was met with tributes from fans and former colleagues.

Tanya Roberts with Sir Roger Moore and Grace JonesIMAGE COPYRIGHTGETTY IMAGES
image captionShe appeared in View to a Kill alongside Sir Roger Moore and singer Grace Jones

Born Victoria Leigh Blum in 1955, Roberts grew up in New York before moving to Hollywood in 1977.

Her big break came when she replaced Shelly Hack in Charlie’s Angels, joining Jaclyn Smith and Cheryl Ladd as third ‘Angel’ Julie.

After the show’s cancellation, she appeared in such fantasy adventure films as The Beastmaster and Hearts and Armour.

She also played comic book heroine Sheena in a 1984 film that saw her nominated for a Golden Raspberry award for worst actress.

Roberts earned another Razzie nomination for her role as geologist Stacey Sutton in 1985 Bond film A View to a Kill.

She admitted being „a little cautious” about taking the role but said it would have been „ridiculous” to have turned it down.

Tanya Roberts in Sheena: Queen of the JungleIMAGE COPYRIGHTGETTY IMAGES
image captionShe also played the title role in Sheena: Queen of the Jungle

Roberts’ subsequent films included Night Eyes and Inner Sanctum, erotic thrillers that did little to advance her career.

She went on to play Midge Pinciotti in more than 80 episodes of That ’70s Show made between 1998 and 2004.


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