Eurosceptics BLAST Cameron EU ‘betrayal’ as he says exit is NOT right for Britain
David Cameron branded a Brexit ‘not the right answer’ for the country on Andrew Marr yesterday
Yesterday the Prime Minister was accused of betrayal after making one of his clearest ever pro-Europe statements.He branded a British exit “not the right answer” and said his goal was to get “the best of both worlds” by staying in on improved terms.He outraged critics by suggesting the Government was not even planning for the possibility that Britons would vote to leave in an in-out referendum.But he did say his administration would somehow “make that work” if they did.
His comments also fuelled growing resentment that pro-EU ministers are free to speak out publicly but Eurosceptics are gagged, if they want to keep their jobs, until his reform talks end.
Jayne Adye, director of crossparty campaign Get Britain Out, said: “The Prime Minister is determined to continue to con the great British public. His betrayal of the voters is astonishing.”
The PM said he wanted to get “the best of both worlds” by staying in the EU on improved terms
Ukip deputy leader Paul Nuttall said: “It really is no surprise that Cameron has set his face against leaving the EU, and by doing so is betraying the British people, because in his ‘renegotiations’ he has asked for little and is unlikely to get even that.
His betrayal of the voters is astonishing
Jayne Adye, Get Britain Out
“However, given that the polls are so close I am dumbfounded that no contingency planning is being done by the civil service to prepare for a potential leave vote in the EU referendum. It really is an extraordinary oversight.”They spoke after Mr Cameron said about the prospect of leaving Europe: “I don’t think that is the right answer. I think the best answer for Britain is staying in a reformed EU if we can get those changes.“My goal is renegotiation, referendum, secure Britain’s place in a reformed European Union.”He told BBC One’s Andrew Marr Show: “I think there is a huge prize for Britain. If we can deal with the things that drive us up the wall about Europe, we can get the best of both worlds and secure our economic future inside this valuable market.”
It would also “help to keep our people safe by staying together with our close allies and partners as we confront extremism and terrorism.
“And that prize is closer than it was and I’m going to work round the clock to get that done.”
He insisted he “ruled nothing out” if he failed to get change.
Ukip deputy leader Paul Nuttall accused Cameron of ‘betraying the British people’But asked to confirm the Government had plans in place for an out vote, he said: “We have plans for our renegotiation, referendum, and then of course the British public will make their decision, and we must obey that decision whatever it is.”If people voted to leave “we would have to do everything necessary to make that work.”He did, though, repeat his claim that he had not ruled out supporting an exit if he fails to get a deal.Leave.EU co-founder Arron Banks said: “His lack of a plan for withdrawal tells the EU – and voters – that he has no intention of leaving, guaranteeing that the deal he does finally produce won’t be worth the paper it’s written on.”
Senior Tory MP David Davis said he would be ‘astonished’ if the UK did not have a Brexit plan
Senior Tory MP David Davis, who wants to leave the EU, said it was “disgraceful, astonishing” not to have a Brexit plan.Matthew Elliott, chief executive of the Vote Leave campaign, said: “Cameron has asked for trivia and he’ll get everything he’s asked for.“It’s spin and nobody should believe him. Leave.EU chief executive Liz Bilney said: “The sooner the PM produces his worthless deal the better, then we can move on to the genuine campaign.”Eurosceptic Tory MP Peter Bone was more forgiving of the PM than others.
He stressed Mr Cameron had not ruled out backing Brexit and insisted: “They will have drawn up plans for leaving. It’s inconceivable that they will not have.”
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