Home Newspaper ANGOL - Language training Civil orgs demonstrate for protecting Budapest trees

Civil orgs demonstrate for protecting Budapest trees


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Budapest’s City Park was the first planned public city park in the world, head of the Town Protection Association for Budapest Mihaly Raday told the event from a stage set up in Heroes Square. Who would think of erecting new buildings in London’s Hyde Park or Paris’ Jardin du Luxembourg and Bois de Boulogne, he said referring to the Liget Project which would relocate several museums to the City Park.

Head of the CivilZuglo Association Laszlo Varnai demanded that “megalomaniac” construction plans should be stopped. He said Budapest should replace 3,000 missing trees and develop old industrial zones.

A symbolic “Golden chainsaw award” was granted to rector of the National University of Public Service Andras Patyi for being responsible for the cutting of 200 trees in Orczy Park according to the head of the association.

The participants were holding a sign reading “We will protect Budapest trees” and marched from Erzsebet Square on Andrassy Avenue to Heroes Square.


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