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Christmas market and a wonderful lightshow in Budapest, the heart of the country

Karácsonyi Vásár, Hirmagazin.eu

In the Hungarian capital, Budapest you can find one of the most beautiful Christmas markets.

Here you can find various types of traditional Hungarian meals and many wooden booths with what seems like an endless option of gifts and souvenirs.

dsc 1704
adventi vásár, forrás: Borbély Petra Georgina
adventi vásár, forrás: Borbély Petra Georgina
adventi vásár, forrás: Borbély Petra Georgina

There are some useful and beautiful goods you can choose from and some that are not particularly useful yet handmade or exceptionally appealing.

Besides the lovely products, there is a light show every half an hour from 16:30 until the market closes. Every show is different and unique. On december 23rd, one of these shows was based on a Hungarian folk song, „Tavaszi szél” along with an amusing and delightful light painting.


Author: Borbély Petra Georgina

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