Britons call for LOWER drink-driving limit – but hardly any know what it actually IS
A HUGE majority of the British public support lowering the drink-driving limit – while also having no idea what it is, surveys claim.
A large majority of Britons support a tighter drink-driving limit, a survey claims
According to alcohol campaigners, a huge 77 per cent of Britons believe the UK needs a new, tighter drink-driving limit.More than three quarters of respondents said they thought the whole of the UK needs to lower the limit to 50mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood in line with Scotland.The current limit is 80mg, except in Scotland.But lawyers told that they have seen no let up in drink-driving cases making it to court in Scotland, so it is not clear that any change will make the roads safer.The survey, by the Alcohol Health Alliance, asked 4,800 people about the lower limit.Some 58 per cent ‘strongly support’ a crackdown while 18 per cent support it, but less strongly. Just seven per cent object.The stricter law could become reality across the UK, and is currently being debated in Parliament and the House of Lords.If the upper chamber approves, the legislation could be passed to the House of Commons and on into law.However, a parallel survey suggested that 60 per cent of Britons have no idea what the current drink-driving limit is.
New drink-drive legislation is being debated by the House of Lords
It raises questions about whether a different limit would be practical if people aren’t aware of the constraints.While not directly comparable, the results suggest a large overlap of people who support lower limits without understand the first one.The second survey was carried out by law firm Rothera Dowson, which said it has seen no reduction in drink-driving cases that make it to court.Anton Balkitis, motor transport solicitor at Rothera Dowson, said: “In a recent survey compiled by Rothera Dowson, results showed that over 60 per cent of respondents were not aware of the legal limit for drink driving. This is a worrying statistic, so it is vital that moving forwards any changes to the law must be well communicated to road users.”
“Any change which would make the road safer is always a welcome change. It is difficult to make an assessment on the impact that the changes have had in Scotland, at present there is virtually no reduction in the number of prosecutions and we must look at whether there is any reduction in the number of drink drive related collisions and incidents.“A reduction in the legal limit has to be met with an investment in publicity and re-education of members of the public. In the past such campaigns have made a real impact on changing people’s perception of this type of offending which in turn changes drivers’ attitudes.”Health experts cannot say exactly how much drink will push somebody over the limit.
The precise amounts depend on size, weight and how quickly the body processes alcohol.Current guidelines suggest men can drink a pint of beer or a large glass of wine and stay below the limit.For women the recommendation is half a pint or a small wine glass.Lower guideline would see these amounts decreased.Forrás:
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A large majority of Britons support a tighter drink-driving limit, a survey claims
New drink-drive legislation is being debated by the House of Lords