Home 18+ 25 tragikus haláleset, selfizés során. (25 Heart-Breaking Deaths While Taking Selfies)

25 tragikus haláleset, selfizés során. (25 Heart-Breaking Deaths While Taking Selfies)

Selfizés, amelyek tragédiával végződtek. (We live in a world where there are millions of people who are obsessed with selfies. This is one of the most revolutionary aspect of photography that we have ever seen.)

Csak erős idegzetűek olvassák el a cikket!

Crude it maybe, but its impact is undeniable. However, sometimes, our obsession with selfies results into having disastrous effects, as evident by today’s list. Yes, today, we are going to take a look into some of the heart-breaking deaths that have been caused due to taking a selfie at the wrong time at the wrong place. So, here are 25 heart-breaking deaths while taking selfies. Caution: This list might contain sensitive and disturbing real-life stories related to death. Sensitive audience are requested to practise caution while reading.

25. Xenia Ignatyeva

Egy torony teteján fényképezte magát az orosz tinédzser, aztán rosszul lett és lezuhant. Már e levegőben meghalt, mert egy nagyfeszültségű kábelt érintett zujanás közben.

Starting our list of 25 heart-breaking deaths while taking selfies at number 25 is Russian teenager Xenia Ignatyeva. This daredevil succumbed to death while posing on the edge of a high-end building. As per reports, she mishandled the selfie stick which led to her losing her balance and falling down from a height of two hundred feet. What is even more surprising is that she died before hitting the ground as she was electrocuted through the live wires on her way down.

24. David Gonzalez Lopez

Bivával incselkedett, azt fotózta, de a bika megvadult és agyontaposta Gonzalest.

Next up at number 24 is 23-year-old David Gonzalez Lopez. What went wrong for this man was that he stood in front of what is regarded as one of the mightiest beasts on the planet – a raging bull. While participating in a festival in Villaseca de la Sagra in Spain, Lopez tried to take a selfie with a raging bull, and to nobody’s surprise, he was brutally crushed to death. And you can’t even blame the bull here.

  1. The Polish Couple

5 és 6 éves gyermekeik szeme láttára zuhantak a mélybe a felelőtlen szülők, amikor egy magas szikla peremére merészkedtek fotózni!

Coming in at number 23 on our list next is a Polish couple who met with an untimely demise in 2014 due to a selfie. While taking a selfie from the rocky edge in Cabo da Roca in western Portugal, the couple crossed a safety barrier so that they could reach the cliff’s edge. They somehow lost their balance in the prohibited area and fell hundreds of feet to death. What is even tragic is the fact that they died as their two children, aged 5 and 6, watched them in agony.

  1. The Japanese Tourist

Egy turista megcsúszott a Taj Mahal lépcsőjén 2015-ben, beverte a fejét és meghalt. A világ legszerencsétlenebb halálesete volt.

Coming in at number 22 on our list is the unfortunate death of a Japanese tourist in 2015 at one of the seven wonders of the world – The Taj Mahal in Agra, India. As per reports, the man was taking a selfie while posing on the steps of the monument when the disaster took place. He lost his balance and toppled down the steps and died of head injuries. Well, we hope our readers learn something from this and prioritise their safety over everything.

  1. Mr. Chen

Kínában egy vízesést fényképezett egy úr, és elsodorta a víz. Telefonjában talál képeken a halál utolsó mozzanata is felfedhető volt.

At number 21 on our list comes a Chinese man, who is being referred to as Mr. Chen. Found dead at the bottom of a ravine near a waterfall in Zhejiang in Eastern China in 2015, his body was accompanied with a mobile phone and a selfie stick. It has been speculated from the photographs found in his phone that he lost his footing and slipped down to his death while taking a selfie.

  1. Marie Rocello

A fülöp-szigeti tanuló az iskolája 2. és 3. emeleti között, a korláton egyensúlyozva szelfizett, majd hirtelen elveszítette egyensúlyát és a mélybe zuhant. Halálát az okozta, hogy törött bordája átszúrta a szívét.

Next up at 20 on our list of 25 heart-breaking deaths while taking selfies is a 14-year-old student from Philippines named Marie Rocello. She met her demise while taking a selfie at the edge of the staircase between the second and third floor of her school, the Rizal High School in Pasig city. Time magazine has named Philippines as the “World’s Selfie Capital” and now the disadvantages of getting too much caught up in selfies is seen in the country. Rocello suffered a sharp blow to her head and one of her rib broke which pierced into her kidney, resulting in her death.

  1. The Russian Woman

Oroszországban, Moszkvában, egy magas hídról fotózta volna a várost az egyetem végzős diákja, amikor a mélybe zuhant.

Next up at number 19 on our list is the death of a 21-year-old Russian woman. A graduate of the Russian State University of Tourism and Services Studies, she was on her way to take a selfie from a bridge which provided an excellent view. But sadly, she slipped and fell off from the bridge, which resulted in her death. The incident took place in 2015 in front of the Moscow International Business Centre.

  1. Courtney Sanford

2014. április 26. 08.33-kor posztolta magát a szerencsétlen nő a facebook-on, hoygy boldog. Menet közben tette mindezt, közben vezetett és fotózta magát. Egy perc sem tellett bele, teherautóval ütközött, kigyulladt az autója és benne égett.

Coming in at number 18 on our list comes a woman named Courtney Sanford. On April 26, 2014, at 8:33 AM, she uploaded a selfie of herself on the social network website Facebook with the caption, “The Happy Song makes me so HAPPY”. Within one minute, at 8:34AM, her car crashed head-on with a truck and she perished. Immediately upon impact, her car caught fire. This again proves how careful all of us have to be road and never to text/call/use mobile phone while driving.

  1. Ramon Gonzalez

Rami Gonzales, közismert nevén Jadiel El Tsunami, egy tapasztalt cross-motor versenyző volt. Artista mutatványok közepette motorozott, majd összeütközött egy autóval, és az alá zuhant. Kórházba szállítás közben halt meg. Rajongói gyászolták.

Next up at number 17 on our list is Puerto Rican rapper Ramon Gonzalez, aka Jadiel El Tsunami. He was riding a bike while taking a selfie when he was faced with his ultimate demise. As Gonzalez lost control of his bike, he crashed onto an oncoming vehicle. Although he was rushed to the hospital, it wasn’t enough to keep him alive. Countless number of his fans mourned his death.

  1. The Hiker

Várható volt ennek a honkongi embernek a halála, hiszen az oroszlán rezervátumba ment egyedül, gyalogosan, oroszlánt fotózni.

Number 16 on our list is the death of a hiker, who died while hiking and taking a selfie against one of Honk Kong’s best backdrops – the Lion Rock Mountain. As per reports, the 30-year-old man was hiking alone and was trying to take selfies with the famous lion’s head of the mountain. When he ventured further out to the area without railings, he suddenly disappeared and the eye-witness heard a scream. When the witness went to find him, he saw him hanging on to a clump of grass before falling down. He was declared dead on the spot by the paramedics from the Government Flying Service.

  1. Anna Ursu

2005. májusában a fiatal román lány felmászott egy vonat tetejére, hogy onnan készítsen szelfiket. Figyelmetlen volt és elért egy nagyfeszültségű kábelt. Testének 50%-a megégett, már a kórházban sem tudtak segíteni rajta.

Next up at number 15 on our list of 25 heart-breaking deaths while taking selfies comes Romanian teenager Anna Ursu. In May 2015, Ursu went to a train station Iasi in order to take a selfie in Facebook. As she lied on top of a parked train to click the perfect selfie, she lifted her leg up, which accidently touched the fatal overhead cable which carried a whopping 27,000 volts of electricity in them. Ursu immediately burst into flames and although an onlooker rushed her to the hospital, the 18-year-old kid died with burns to 50 per cent of her body.

  1. Cheynee Holloway

A 21 éves dél-afrikai lányhoz 8000 mérföldet utazott szrelme, a 23 éves angol fiú. Elmentek szelfizni a város második legmagasabb hegyére, ahol a lány lába alatt kimozdult egy kő és a méylbe zuhant.

Grabbing the 14th spot on our list is 21-year-old South African woman Cheynee Holloway. Dream dates can often turn catastrophic as proven here. Holloway met a 23-year-old British man, James Nichols online and Nichols travelled 8,000 miles to South African to meet her. But things didn’t go smoothly as they imagined. While taking photographs of the Sunset at the second highest point in Johannesburg – Northcliff Hill, the stone beneath Holloway’s feet gave way and she dropped more than 50 feet to a pathway, meeting her demise, as her date watched in horror.

  1. Deleon Smith

A 19 éves fiú pisztollyal játszott, azt fényképezte, amikor a pisztoly véletlenül elsült és saját magát nyakba lőtte.

Grabbing the 13th spot on our list is 19-year-old young father Deleon Smith. This teenage American accidently shot himself in the neck in 2015 while clicking a photo of himself with a gun. The man has left two young daughters, aged three and one behind. He was supposed to start his classes at Houston Community College the next day, as per reports.

  1. Sylwia Rajchel

A lengyel orvostanhallgató, Sylwia Rajchel egy dél-spanyolországi hídon szelfizett, amikor a mélybe zuhat és a híd lábához csapódott.

Coming in at number 12 on our list is Polish medical student Sylwia Rajchel. While vacationing in Seville, a southern Spanish city, Rajchel was trying to take a selfie from the famous “Puente de Triana” bridge when all hell broke loose. She lost her balance and crashed down 15 feet onto the concrete footing of the bridge. She immediately went into a cardiac arrest and was rushed to the hospital, where she succumbed to death.

  1. The Indian Students

Száguldó vonat előtt fotózták magukat a fiatalok (3 barát), akiket a vonat elütött.

Next up at number 11 on our list comes the death of three Indian students. The accident which took place in the rail tracks of Mathura, India, was the result of trying to take a daredevil selfie. Those three students were accompanied by a fourth friend too, who said that they were on their way to seeing the Taj Mahal when they stopped to take a selfie in front of an oncoming train. This proved to be fatal when the train ran over them resulting in their death on spot.

  1. Oscar Otero Aguiler

Ittas állapotban fegyverrel játszott Oscar Otero Aguilar, és ezt posztolta. A fegyver elsült, a fiatalembernek esélye sem volt.

Coming in at number 10 on our list of 25 heart-breaking deaths while taking selfies is a 21-year-old Mexican man, named Oscar Otero Aguilar. As per reports, he was drinking with two of his friends before the incident. Things turned havoc when an attempt to take a selfie with a loaded gun went wrong and resulted in Aguiler’s untimely death. We hope more people get aware of what heavy drinking and weapon can do to them now.

  1. Edwin

Az indiai fiú, az utolsó pillanatban szeretett volna elugorni a vonat elől, amiről és magáról, a fényképeket készítette. Már nem volt ideje, a vonat elgázolta.

Coming in at number 9 is a 15-year-old young Indian boy named Edwin. The incident took place at Chiyyaram, near Thrissur in Kerala, India. While trying to get a selfie in front of an oncoming train, Edwin was ran over by the train and was killed. His brother Godwin who was present with him at that time, lost consciousness after witnessing his death. There were also a couple of friends who were present at the site of the accident. At the time of his death, Edwin had just passed his tenth-grade exam and was waiting to get admitted for higher studies.

  1. Prakash

Sárkányrepülőzés közben, rossz helyre landolt a fiatal, kinek fontosabb volt magát a sziklaperemen fényképezni, mint saját biztonságáról gondoskodni. 60 métert zuhant és meghalt.

Number 8 on our list comes an Indian engineering student named Prakash. When he, along with six of his mates went for a trip to Koli hills, Prakash met his demise. As all of them were taking selfies, Prakash landed on a small rock on the hillside, which suddenly cracked away, unable to take his weight. He fell down 60 feet, suffering injuries to his head and dying on the spot.

  1. The American Man

A 43 éves amerikai férfi a fegyverek szerelmese volt. Mindig pisztolyokkal fotózta magát. A halálakor az egyik pisztoly töltve volt, agyonlőtte magát.

Grabbing the 7th spot on the list is a 43-year-old American man who met his demise while taking a selfie with a gun. What he thought to be an empty gun was actually a loaded gun. His girlfriend who was with him told that they were taking selfies all day with that gun. Before taking photos, the man unloaded the gun every time and replaced them after they were done. But on the last attempt, he forgot to take out one bullet from the gun, which proved to be fatal for him.

  1. Two Russian Men

A két orosz férfi azt a pillanatot szerette volna lefényképezni, amikor a gránt felrobban. Nem sikerült, a gránát előbb robbant fel, mint sem használni tudták volna a telefonjukat!

At number 6 comes two Russian men who accidently blew each other out as they attempted to take a selfie of themselves with a hand grenade whose pin was pulled out. Both of them perished and the only thing that remained of the blast was the mobile phone.

  1. Chezka Agas

Egy 18 éves filippínó nő, Chezka Agas, a legnagyobb hullámban szeretett volan szelfizni. A hullám a szklafalnak csapta, azonnal megahalt.

Number 5 on our list of 25 heart-breaking deaths while taking selfies belongs to an 18-year-old Filipino woman Chezka Agas. As she celebrated a friend’s birthday in a beach, she posed for a selfie along with her friends. The civil engineer student was caught off-guard when a huge wave struck her and her friends. She was immediately hospitalised but was declared dead by drowning. The incident took place in Barangay Masikil in front of the famous Bangui windmills.

  1. The Spanish Man


Két barát a vonat tetején szelfizett, amikor áramütés érte őket. Aki közelebb volt a kábelhez, megahlt, barátja súlyos égési sérülésekkel „megúszta” az esetet.

Number 4 on our list is a 21-year-old Spanish man, who climbed onto the roof of a train before his demise. He started taking selfies on the top of the train as he and his friend thought that the train was not electrified, since it was parked. However, the train was still connected to electricity. When the man accidently touched one of the wire, the shock from the electricity threw him off the train. His friend also suffered electric shock and both were rushed to the hospital, where the man died. His friend survived, although he was in a serious condition.

  1. The Pilot
    The wreckage of a crashed Cessna 150 airplane lies in a field near Watkins, Colorado on May 31, 2014. The pilot of a small plane was taking selfie pictures with a cellphone on a series of short flights around a Colorado airport in 2014 before he crashed on one of the jaunts, killing himself and a passenger, federal investigators found.The National Transportation Safety Board said the 29-year-old pilot of the Cessna 150K plane lost control in the crash near Watkins, Colorado. REUTERS/Sgt Aaron Pataluna/Adams County Sheriff/handout via Reuters (UNITED STATES – Tags: DISASTER) THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS – RTR4O37S

    Azt lehet hinni, hogy a 29 éves pilóta, egy Cessna 150K típusú repőlőgép szélvédőréje csatlakoztatott egy webkamerát Colorado-ban, az USA-ban, majd szándékosan nekiment egy másik repőlőgépnek, amely haláleseményt a kamera rögzítette. Csak ő tudta, hogy meg akar halni, ártatlan utasait magával vitte a halálba.


    Number 3 on our list of 25 heart-breaking deaths while taking selfie belongs to a 29-year-old pilot of a Cessna 150K in Colorado, USA. A GoPro camera was attached to the windshield of the plane that showed that the pilot was texting and taking selfies with his passengers. The plane crashed on one of the jaunts, which killed the pilot and a passenger.

  1. Akshay Joshi & Pratik Bhatt

Két barát, a  Narmada-csatorna előtt szelfizett Indiában. Egyikük beleesett a vízba, a másik átána ugrott, hogy kimentse. Mindketten megfulladtak.

Coming in at number 2 on our list are two young Indian students Akshay Joshi, 22 and Pratik Bhatt, 20, who met their demise while trying to get a selfie in front of the Narmada Canal in India. When Joshi lost his balance and fell into the water, Bhatt went on to save him. However, he ended up drowning too and both of them lost their lives.

  1. The Seven Men

7 fő volt egy baráti társaságban, mindnyájan 18-27 év közötti fiatalok voltak, akik egy rozzant bárkáról akartak fényképezni. Mindnyájan egyszerre fotóztak, a bárka azonos oldalán, ami aztán rájuk borult és a fiatalok szörnyethaltak.

Number 1 on our list of 25 heart-breaking deaths while taking selfie comes the catastrophic death of seven young men while on a picnic in 2015. As a group of 10 young men went for a picnic near Mangrul Lake in Kuhi Taluka, India, they lost themselves in their own world. When seven of them got into a boat and started clicking pictures, they didn’t realize that all of them were standing on one side of the boat, and it soon went haywire and the boat capsized, drowning all of them. The three remaining friends soon informed everyone, although the damage was already done. The seven people who died were aged between 18 to 27.

Reméljük, hogy ezek az esetek rávilágítanak arra, hogy nem minden a hírnév és a poszt, az emberi élet mindennél fontosabb!

We sincerely hope this list will spread more awareness regarding safety measures that people need to keep in mind while taking selfies or photographs of any kind, because something as harmless as a selfie can also result in heart-breaking deaths. Let us remember that life is precious and is worth way more than a mere photograph. Let us value it. We must remember not to play with it because you never know when is your last moment alive.

Source and images: lievescience.com

Fordította: Hirmagazin.eu, Bognár Géza

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