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Tearing down the Calais ‘jungle’: Bulldozers move-in despite migrant backlash

Tearing down the Calais ‘jungle’: Bulldozers move-in despite migrant backlash

BULLDOZERS have started destroying the notorious Jungle camp as French authorities finally evict thousands of migrants from the site.

2,000 migrants will be evicted from the Jungle today

Riot police are on standby ready to clear the makeshift camp in Calais, which is home to some 7,000 migrants.Up to 2,000 migrants have been ordered to leave with thousands of refugees seen carrying their belongings across the wasteland in recent days.

There have been scenes of chaos as refugees hurry to pack their belongings before the eviction begins.

But it’s by no means the end of the road for the migrant army desperate to enter Britain.The French government merely says the sprawling Jungle Camp has grown too close to the adjacent motorway and that it needs to be downsized for security reasons.

The authorities have offered refugees heated accommodation in shipping containers.

A number have refused to move, for fear of ruining their chances of claiming asylum in Britain.

The makeshift city, which boasts a nightclub, places of worship and restaurants, is being dismantled.

Riot police prepare to enter the camp

Riot police watch as a bulldozer clears part of the Jungle

A bulldozer clears a part of the Jungle

Wooden huts, flimsy tarpaulin and containers covered in graffiti are being burned ahead of the clearing.

The new camp is surrounded by fences, which some refugees claim will put a stop to their nightly attempts to reach Britain.

Riot police are standing on guard to deal with any opposition.

Forrás: http://www.express.co.uk

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